In the last days God promised to send a revival to the whole
world and bring healing to broken relationships and restore
troubled hearts. This is an important part of our inheritance as
children of God.
Do you suffer
from depression?
Do you have
too much anxiety and worry a lot?
Do you have
family conflicts?
Do you have
deep inner hurts that never heal?
Do you feel
rejected and unloved?
Reverend John and Hyoncha Clark are
from the United States and have spent the past seventeen years
of their lives, as missionaries to the country of Taiwan. For
some years he has also worked on the pastoral staff of his home
church, Aurora Gospel Tabernacle, (in Seattle), as the
visitation and counseling pastor. They have traveled widely in
Asia and visited many countries to bring the message of God's
mighty power in transforming the heart and restoring broken
spirits. In recent years Reverend Clark has taught in various
Bible Schools in Taiwan. At the beginning of 2004, he published
a bilingual book entitled, "God's Plan For
Healing The
Heart." They have sold out of the first edition of this book
and are currently working on a second edition.
God has sent them to bring inner healing to those who are
suffering from depression, family conflicts and deep hurts.
Reverend Clark has a doctorate in counseling and has done
extensive counseling for many years. As they minister and
counsel with people, the Holy Spirit gives them much
revelation about personal conflicts and needs in peoples
lives, which no one knows about but God.
In their travels they have witnessed God doing wonderful
miracles on sick hearts and renewing very troubled
relationships. They rejoice in all that the Lord has enabled
them to accomplish.